Thursday, November 21, 2013

Another Richard III Movie

I watched a 1995 film version of Richard III last night and was bored stiff despite the very positive reviews and promising cast. Although this adaptation certainly does some interesting things and there were moments where I was definitely impressed (the scene where Richard wins Ann, for example…or the interesting way they ended the thing), I generally just couldn't get into it.

This happens from time to time with the Bard, at least for me. It’s probably has as much to do with my state of mind at the time, but for whatever reason I am at times totally bored and unengaged with this guy and his art. Nature of the beast I guess...lots and lots of long speeches and very little action can be a bit…slow, right? Finding inspiration in art can be a fickle thing, but one must keep trying of course.


  1. Personally, I think the McEllen film is fantastic, probably my favorite Shakespeare film adaptation - but each to his own.

    Given what you've written, you probably won't want to, but you can read an annotated version of the screenplay at - it's fascinating (to me at least) to see the choices made in adapting the original text (and stage production) for the screen.

    You can also see the man himself answering questions about Richard III at

    1. Chris, thanks for the comment. This movie definitely caught me on a bad day. How much of art appreciation depends on your current state of mind? A lot, I would say. I need to go back and check this one out again. This play is easily one of may favorites so that fact alone merits giving the movie a second look.
