Tuesday, August 6, 2013


After almost a two month break, I am ready to get this party started again…and party it will be my friends. Next up: Troilus and Cressida, another so-called problem play. Call me crazy, but such a label surely piques your interest, right?

A brief note about the break: I can see doing so again (what’s the big rush, anyway?). Remember, the subtitle of this blog is to read the plays “as expediently as is prudent.” Let’s focus on the prudent part of this bit of wisdom, shall we? To step back, to reboot, and perhaps most importantly to catch up on a bunch of other reading…it’s all good. However, it is time to continue.

In all honesty, I’m actually kind of excited (yes, I know, I seriously need to get a life), feeling a bit like I did when I first started this whole super awesome and exciting enterprise. I must say that I am definitely looking forward to the total immersion thing again, a bit of Shakespeare saturation, if you will. As I recall, towards the end of that first run I was pretty much thinking about and seeing The Bard everywhere, all day, in all sorts of contexts. That was kind of cool, to realize the prevalence of old Bill in so much of our day to day reality. In case you haven’t noticed, there seems to be something different about this guy.

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